Aurora 3d Animation Maker
Lets you create beautiful 3D animations that will take your text or logos to a whole new level of awesomeness! Using just a single timeline, you'll be able to control all aspects of your animation, including the length of the animation, the speed of playback, & more-:
Aurora 3D Animation Maker gives you a ton of special animation effects to further liven up your creations. Imagine applying particle effects to simulate fireworks, smoke, snow, flame, or the emptiness of space! Or go crazy with effects like Linear, Quad, Cubic, & Quint-:
> When you are absolutely pleased with your final result, Aurora 3D Animation Maker makes it easy to incorporate your animation into your website, giving you options to export as Video, Flash(*SWF), animated GIF, or as a sequence of images-:
The Animation Export & Share
> We can output video formats, including animation (avi, flv, mpg), Flash (swf), Gif animation, or image sequences (png, tga, bmp)-:
> In this way, we either used in video editing, web production can greatly enhance our efficiency, improve our results-:
> Fully compatible with other design software, allowing you to perfectly integrate into your Among the work to bring you the production of efficient and beautiful experience-: