Steps to Change Windows 7 Logon Screen with two method

NorthboundFox's very elegant 'Simplestyle - Blue' wallpaper, sharp and crisp, serves as the backdrop to my latest creation....and I'll keep the apt name that Aron gave the wall, since he was nice enough to let me use it! Personally, I think the wall is every bit as cool as the central panel in this, so I didn't want to crowd it too much with a lot of extras; it's techy but simple.

1st Method

1. Press Windows Key + R to launch Run. Type REGEDIT and hit enter.2. Now navigate to,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\BackgroundChange value of OEMBackground to 1.4. Now navigate to C:\Windows\System32\oobe, create folder “info”, double click it and create anothernew folder “backgrounds”.5. Now place your desired picture inside logon file into C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds. In my Windows 7 I use Alienware themes so changed Windows 7 Logon Screen with Alienware picture.
6. Rename the file to backgrounddefault.jpg. (Please NOTE: Images must be less than 256kb in size).7. Press Windows Key + L to view your customized Logon Screen. Else Reboot your Windows 7 to apply changes.That’s it

2nd Method

** just download below .exe file run it and change your screen logo in easy way...

